Once Again, Everychild Foundation Changes its Grantmaking to Support Urgent Pandemic Needs of Local Agencies
Los Angeles, CA | June 17, 2021
For the second year in a row, Everychild Foundation has pivoted from its innovative grantmaking approach in order to respond to the ongoing impact of the pandemic by shifting gears to distribute relief grants among multiple nonprofit agencies in the community. The shift in protocol was prompted by the massive impact that Covid-19 has had on their grant applicants who have found themselves in the overwhelmingly difficult two-fold position of struggling for available funding resources while also witnessing an ever-increasing need for their services.
Thus, instead of giving a single $1 million donation, four agencies will each receive an “Everychild Foundation 2021 Relief Grant” of $250,000. Chosen by vote of the entire membership, the new grantees that emerged from an initial pool of over 70 organizations are as follows (in alphabetical order):
• Antelope Valley Partners in Health
• Child Development Institute
• Covenant House California
• Jenesse Center
The women also selected another four agencies which will each receive an “Everychild Foundation Special Recognition Grant” of $25,000:
• Clinica Monsenor Oscar A. Romero
• Extraordinary Families
• No Limits for Deaf Children
• Strength United
Diverging from their standard procedures once again made sense to the foundation’s members given the unprecedented levels of demand for these agencies’ services and their challenging financial demands. The one-time unrestricted operating support grant each organization will receive is designed to meet its most immediate needs and each will report back to Everychild Foundation regarding the use of funds in order to ensure monitored impact.
Everychild Foundation Founder and President, Jacqueline Caster, stated, ”During these extraordinary times, Everychild, along with the entire local community of grant makers, has had to pivot to meet the needs where they lie. The catastrophic and urgent problems the pandemic has created, especially for children and families, are unlike anything we’ve seen in decades, and we all hope that we can help ease the burden for the agencies who are in the trenches.