Everychild 2013 Grant: The Children’s Clinic
The Children’s Clinic, “Serving Children and Their Families” (TCC) implemented the Everychild Bright Beginnings Initiative (EBBI). The program identifies and addresses the effects of toxic stress and chronic exposure to violence on infants, toddlers and pregnant mothers and ultimately changes the trajectory of families’ lives and the community as a whole. Internally, all 350 TCC employees have undergone stratified training to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of trauma, toxic stress and adverse childhood experiences, as well as the principles and processes of trauma-informed care. New clinical systems have been developed, along with protocols that classify and assign children, new mothers, and pregnant women to appropriate services and supports. Collaborative partnerships have been established with a diverse group of community based organizations, mental health experts, public health departments, medical personnel, elected officials, law enforcement, child advocates, and others.
TCC has collaborated with the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health to collect data and present results at conferences nationwide.