Everychild 2011 Grant: Centinela Youth Services

Centinela Youth Services opened the Everychild Restorative Justice Center in Inglewood, across the street from Juvenile Court. It was established to address the dearth of services available to youth being sent to criminal court. Serving thousands of youth since its inception, the center diverts youth from the punitive court system, into individualized services that have been proven more effective in reducing re-arrest rates and improving behavior. On average 72% of youth enrolled complete the program successfully. Of those, 90% have not been rearrested within one year of completing services. Youth who have dropped out are provided comprehensive educational services, and the center gets them re-enrolled and back on track. Youth with serious mental health conditions or trauma are identified and given appropriate treatment rather than incarceration.

Since it began, the program has expanded to serve a second court jurisdiction and is working with the Los Angeles Police Department as well as school police to reduce campus arrests. Originally established as court diversion, the Everychild Restorative Justice Center is at the forefront in juvenile justice reform in Los Angeles.