Everychild Foundation Awards 2020 COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grants Totaling $1 Million
Due the extraordinary circumstances facing so many Los Angeles-area children and youth during the COVID-19 epidemic, our Everychild Foundation Executive Board unanimously voted to adjust our typical grant procedures this year.
Instead of awarding one agency a single grant for a new or expansion project, our 2020 $1 million award has been equally spread among eight worthy recipients to assist their operations in easing the suffering of children, youth and their families during this crisis. This is the first time we have broken with our normal protocol of awarding a single $1 million gift to one agency with a new dream project.
The grants, of $125,000 each, have been awarded to 8 agencies who were currently being vetted by our extremely hard-working Grant Screening Board (GSB) for our 2020 cycle after having been pre-evaluated by our equally diligent Grant Outreach Committee. Each of these stellar organizations is a leader in its field with extensive experience and a proven track record.
Breaking from our standard procedures just made sense this year as each organization has been experiencing unprecedented levels of demand for its services and is operating under emergency conditions with urgent financial demands. Consequently, each agency has received a one-time unrestricted operating support grant to meet its most immediate needs. Each organization is reporting back to us regarding the use of the funds and its impact. Also, they will all be invited to reapply for our full $1 million grant next year when we are, hopefully, back to normal operations.
Proceeding in this manner is also perfectly consistent with Everychild’s mission: to ease the suffering of local children whether due to disease, disability, abuse, neglect or poverty. Providing these emergency operating funds assists the 8 selected agencies in addressing the whole gamut of these issues immediately.
Here (in alphabetical order) is the list of the recipients of the Everychild Foundation 2020 COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grants:
Alliance for Children’s Rights
Protects the rights of children in poverty and those overcoming abuse and neglect.
CASA of Los Angeles
Mobilizes community volunteers to advocate for children and youth who have experienced abuse and neglect.
Harbor Community Clinic
Provides low-cost and no-cost health services to residents with low incomes and their families and those whose employers do not provide health insurance coverage.
LA Family Housing
Helps families transition out of homelessness and poverty through a continuum of housing enriched with supportive services.
Pacific Clinics
Delivers quality behavioral and mental healthcare services to children, youth, adults and their families.
Peace Over Violence
Builds healthy relationships, families and communities, free from sexual, domestic and interpersonal violence.
United Friends of the Children
Empowers current and former foster youth to self-sufficiency through service-enriched education and housing programs, advocacy and consistent relationships with a community of people who care.
Provides hope, healing and opportunity to the children, young adults, families and communities they serve.
Again, enormous thanks to our members for their remarkable generosity and concern during this unprecedented crisis. It is definitely making a difference in the community. For more Everychild news, please click here to visit our News page.