The Very Real Health Impacts of Electronic Screen Time on Growing Children (September 2018)

The Very Real Health Impacts of Electronic Screen Time on Growing Children (September 2018)

Speaker: Corinn Cross, M.D.

View the Powerpoint Presentation>>

Members and friends of the Everychild Foundation gathered together on September 27, 2018 at the home of Everychild member, Mary Lu Tuthill, to discuss some of the challenges faced by parents raising children in a technology-saturated world. Dr. Cross, an Everychild member and nationally-recognized expert on the topic, discussed privacy laws, social media, and the implications of too much screen time at too early an age. According to Dr. Cross, 98% of homes now have technology devices, but the amount of screen time varies. Socioeconomics play a role in decisions around the amount of screen time and quality of content. “The beginning years are critical,” says Dr. Cross. “Children are different than adults and need to be protected.”

Corinn Cross, M.D is the co-author of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ policy statement: Media Use in School-Aged Children and Adolescents and one of Los Angeles’ Top Pediatricians